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Marina Closure - COVID-19

To: All Slip Owners & Renters:

On Monday, March 30, 2020, Governor Hogan issued an executive order for all
Maryland residents to "Shelter at Home". In this order it shows marinas as
non-essential businesses and prohibits recreational boating. At this time
the Board has decided to close the marina, effective April 2, 2020, to abide
with the order and to protect our employees. Closing the marina includes:

1.  Closing the condo office. You may call 410-586-0070 or email and leave a message.

2.  Closing the bathrooms.

3.  Water will not be turned on to the docks.

Since we will not have employees to regularly clean the bathrooms or fix
problems on the docks we have imposed items #2 & #3 above. There will be no
live-a-boards allowed in the marina while this order is in effect.

In addition, Flag Harbor Marine Service is closed.  They can be reached at
410-586-1915 or

This was a difficult decision, but we feel that we need to abide by the
order to keep everyone safe. We have included the Governors order in this
link. Thank you for your understanding in this difficult time.

 Board of Directors

Flag Harbor Condominium Association

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